Parliament of Republic of South Africa: Internships 2021
Parliament of Republic of South Africa invites unemployed graduates to apply for Graduate / Internship Programme 2021.
Internship Application Closing Date : 14 May 2021
Internship Location: Cape Town, Western Cape
Graduate Trainee: Procedural Services
Requirements: LLD Degree
Graduate Trainee: Facilities Management
Requirements: B degree in Facilities Management
Graduate Trainee: Food & Beverage Host
Requirements: Diploma: Food & Beverage Management
Graduate Trainee: Professional Cookery
Requirements: Diploma: Professional Cookery
Graduate Trainee: Art Works
Degree in Curatorship/Heritage Management
Graduate Employee: Broadcast engineer
BSC Electrical Engineering Light Current or Electronic Engineering.
Graduate Trainee: Motion Graphics Designer
Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design or Motion Graphics
Graduate Trainee: Parliamentary Budget Office
Masters in Public Policy or Public Finance
Graduate: Information & Communication Technology
Bsc Computer Science
Graduate Trainee: Information & Communication Technology
B degree in Information Systems/Informatics/Information Technology
Graduate Trainee: Internal Audit
B Degree in Internal Audit
How to apply
STEP 1: To apply go to and click on Careers. STEP 1: Register your profile on the iRecruitment system. STEP 2: You will be required to update your profile with all the relevant and necessary information relating to your personal particulars highlighting and documenting your work experience, qualifications and skills acquired. Please attach certified copies of all your qualification certificates, ID and 3 contactable referees. Applicants that have not attached these copies will not be considered. Apply for the position of interest and follow the necessary steps on the system. STEP 3: Ensure you complete the assessment. STEP 4: Click FINISH. Parliament reserves the right not to make an appointment. All appointments are subject to relevant security clearance and qualification checks. The successful candidate will be expected to sign a performance agreement.